Sunday 26 July 2015

DIY - Instant Skin Smoothening Scrub

Heyaa Everyone

Hope You Guyss Are Doing Great.... :)

I'm just so excited to share one of the easiest DIY and best beauty scrub I have used till now, which can be used on both your face and the body & will just leave your skin insanely smooth... Its just soo good on the white heads and trust me I'm soo obsessed with this scrub that I feel like indulging myself from head-to-toe in it... It works so great on the rough parts like knees, elbows and knuckles... And the best part about this scrub is that it doesn't require any preparation time... It can be made and used right way... Isn't it great guys, no preparation time and getting the best results for your skin... 

Also incase, If you wish to prepare and store your scrub for later use, you can mix up all the ingredients in a thick consistency and store it in the refrigerator for upto 2-3 weeks... Personally I like to prepare it and use it right away... And I'm soo much obsessed with this scrub that I use it once every week...

For the scrub, we require the following basic ingredients, which are easily available at our home:


Lemon – A natural source of vitamin C; an ingredient commonly used to lighten sun and age spots and even out skin tone; a natural astringent that tightens pores and brightens the complexion.

Sugar – A natural exfoliator; a natural source of glycolic acid which evens out skin tone, cleans pores, and improves overall skin texture by removing dead, dull skin cells.

Honey – A natural source of anti-oxidants making it a perfect ingredient for age prevention; a natural humectant so it locks water into the skin and keeps the complexion hydrated; the antibacterial properties benefit acne-prone skin by reducing breakouts.

Olive Oil – High in vitamin E, which soothes and heals skin; a natural moisturizing ingredient often used for its anti-aging benefits. (Optional)


Take Honey in a bowl.. Its preferable if you use a plastic container as it is an easy storage 
and will protect your scrub from any kind of chemical reaction otherwise you may store it 
in a glass container as well..


Now, add some granulated sugar to it.. Mix it well until the ingredients bind together into 
a medium-to-thick consistency... You can even use brown sugar instead of the white one... 
If you feel that there isn’t enough sugar to get the scrubbing done, add a bit more.. 

Finally add some lemon juice and olive oil(optional) to the mix incase you want to prepare it 
& store it in advance... You may add or subtract the amount of olive oil and honey that 
you use depending on how thick you want your scrub to be...

Personally, I mix honey and sugar together in a bowl and apply it on my face while using 
the lemon juice from a seperate bowl to wet my fingers so that scrubbing can be done 
properly and without being too sticky... And I use Olive Oil in the end after rinsing off the 
scrub with the cold water, just to moisturize my skin..

This scrub is ideal for people who suffer from breakouts and acne as all of the ingredients 
are highly beneficial to acne-prone skin. Lemon tightens pores and evens out the skin tone, 
sugar removes dead skin cells and cleans pores, olive oil heals acne scaring, and honey 
prevents future breakouts.

TipAfter using this scrub, you may sense heat on your skin, so its better to rinse it with cold 
water or you may even rub ice cube on your face as it will also help to tighten the open pores.. 
Leave on for 2 minutes after the scrubbing of max.5-7 mins. and  rinse off with cool water..

Warning: Be cautious of using lemon on your skin as it has a tendency to sting. Iyou 
notice any discomfort rinse off immediately.

*Make a new batch every 2-3 weeks, to insure that ingredients work as effectively 
as possible.

Let me know if you try it and how it works for you.... 

Keep your eyes open on my Facebook Profile, (Follow Me if you don't!!..) to see 
which product I choose Next!!.. :)

Happy (and Healthy) bathing!!!.....