Monday 17 August 2015

Woo!!... Hoo!!... Nailed The Winners Trophy- Best Bridal Look 2015!!..

Heya Everyone...

I'm just so excited and I just can't hide it,
          I'm about to lose control And I think I Like It !!!!!....

Oh Yeah !!!.... Can't Stop Singing It... :)

Guys, this is just more than enough to express my excitement.. One of the best days when you are just so satisfied and you feel like you have utilised your day at its best... Amazingly beautiful experience that I so want to share it with you all.. The feeling of having "Glitters All Around & Winner Trophy In Your Hands" is the best that one could ever imagine off...

It was just two days back that I was informed about the pageant and was not even sure about participating in it.. The bridal costume and the jewellery were done just a day back by my dear friend but were done so well that it just boosted my self confidence level...

Still can hear crowd cheering with all the beautiful compliments while I was on my way to the stage, which actually boosted my levels of confidence and made me to give my best in terms of poses, expressions, walk and the scariest of all - the Question Round, in front of all the well known judges from the beauty field and the media...

It was 5 in the evening, almost 6 hrs till the pageant has started and all the beautiful brides i.e. contestants were resting in the green room and were so nervous as in another 10 mins the result was about to be declared. I also received a call from my make up artist to come to the main room where result was about to be declared.. On my way to the main room, I again met few people from the crowd who gave me a thousand beautiful compliments and wanted to get clicked with me.. Celeb Life.. Woo.. Ho.. But in another 5 mins, I found myself stuck in the crowd where people were appreciating me and moreover requesting to get clicked with me... Don't wanted to be rude but then I was getting late for the main thing for which I was there... Somehow, in another 10 mins, I managed to escape the crowd and as soon as I entered the main room I actually took a sigh of relief... Goshhh... And I could here anchor calling my contestant no. and my name... Immediately I rushed to the stage, and everyone around there started congratulating me- Glitters boosted up in the air and guess what, could see Winning Trophy soo much close and in another fraction of second was offered to me... 

Hurray!!!... I Did It... As a team- My Make Up Artist, Hair Stylist, Wardrobe Deisgner - We Did It !!!..... :)

As soon as I get off the stage, I again founded myself surrounded by a huge crowd but nevertheless I was soo overwhelmed and happy that I got more than thousand pics clicked with everybody around there and finally guards had to come to rescue me from the crowd out there... 

What a lovely moment, words cannot even explain.. Without a single blink I was just looking at the trophy and finally got time to click my selfie with it...

And look who was there all along to support and motivate me.. The man with endless love and blessings- My Dad!!...

(A proud moment with my dad... Love him more than anything in the World...)

A closer look at the beautiful Fall Smokey Eye Make up complimenting the little Bindi on my forehead and the ethnic bridal attire, ofcourse... I must add on that I was in soo much love with this look that it was very hard for me to go for clean up..

Hope, You guys have also liked my Indian Bridal Look... Keep posting me your views...

Keep your eyes open on my Facebook Profile, (Follow Me if you don't!!..) to see what's new!!..

P.S. The best moment was when I got complimented by the honorable judges on the stage and when my dad smiled and tapped my back...

Keep Believing in:

Some Days Are Better, Some Days Are Worse.
Look For The Blessing, Instead Of The Curse.
Be Positive!!.. Stay Strong!!.. 
And Get Enough Rest...
You Can Do It All, But Still You Can Do Your BEST!!..


Kiran Sondhi